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Bam is one of the world famous historical mudbrick citadel not only in iran but also in the world .Bam is 1200 km away from tehran and 200 km far from kerman .elevation is about 1061 m above sea level . poulation befor earthquake was round 45000 pepole . but through the earthquake more than 30000 peaple were killed and more that were hurt.

Background of Bam goes back around 2000 years age , to time of parthian empire 248 B.C – 224 A.D, but remaining and abondoned buldings are from Safavid era , in 17th century.

The modern iranian new city surounds the Bam citadel . Bam occupied a very important place n the region and was famed for its textiles and cloths . in general the modern city of Bam has gradually developed as an agricultural and industrial center , in particular the city is known for its dates ,citrus fruit irigated by substantial network of Qanats. The city also benefited from tourism , with an incressing number of people visiting the ancient citadel in recent years . at 2006 sensus its population was 73823 people .

The warmest month in the year in july temperature average is 32.6 centigrade the lowest average is in january 9/9.7 centigrate.

There is difference of 17 mm of precipitation between the driest and wetest mounths , during the year , the average temperature vary by 22.9 centigrade .

Bam citadel is occpied an area around 220000 square meter , and it is located 200 km far away from kerman .

دیدگاه های ارسال شده توسط شما، پس از تایید مدیر سایت در وب سایت منتشر خواهد شد.
پیام هایی که حاوی تهمت یا افترا باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.
پیام هایی که به غیر از زبان فارسی یا غیر مرتبط با خبر باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.