persepolis international hotel
12/29/2019 6:28:39 PM
View : 3550

Located in the center of Shiraz, the five-star Persepolis International Hotel consists of seven floors, which hold 104 rooms of Double Bed, Royal Suite, Suite, Connect and Apartments. The Apadana Restaurant, on the ground floor, is situated in a peaceful and excellent environment and the Lotus coffee shop and cafeteria are prepared to serve you and your visitors 24 hours a day. The covered car park is situated underneath the hotel.
- Parking
- Laundry facilities
- Sauna
- Gym
- Coffee Shop
- Auditorium
- Restaurant
- Green Space
- Taxi Services
- Fast food restaurant
- Wireless Internet
دیدگاه های ارسال شده توسط شما، پس از تایید مدیر سایت در وب سایت منتشر خواهد شد.
پیام هایی که حاوی تهمت یا افترا باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.
پیام هایی که به غیر از زبان فارسی یا غیر مرتبط با خبر باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.