BaBa Taher oryan
1/5/2020 7:45:31 PM
View : 3810

BaBa Taher oryan
Baba taher is known as one of the most revered and respectable early poets in persian litrature. Most of his life is clouded in mystery . he was born in Hamadan the capital of Hamadan province . he was known by the name of baba taher oryan ( the naked ) while suggests that he may have been wandering Darvish . legend tells that the poet an illitrate woodcutter atended lectures at a religious school , where he was not welcomed by his fellow students .
The date of his birth and death are unknown . but he had been living between late 10th and beginning of 11th century . his tomb is constructed 1965 A.D . his poetry is written in Hamadani dialect of persian language .
دیدگاه های ارسال شده توسط شما، پس از تایید مدیر سایت در وب سایت منتشر خواهد شد.
پیام هایی که حاوی تهمت یا افترا باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.
پیام هایی که به غیر از زبان فارسی یا غیر مرتبط با خبر باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.