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Saad Abad Palace

Saad abad complex is located in the northernmost part of the Alborz mountain in a pleasant climate . if in hot summer days you arrive to Saad abad`s complex you will feel that you are in heaven because it is 7- 8 degrees cooler than outside . Beautiful Saad abad complex is located in the foothills of tochal and darband . it lies from the north to the alborz mountain and from the south to tajrish . totall areas is 110 hectares and through the time of Qajar dynasty ( 1794-1925) it was used as a summer palace of the royal family , but after Qajar dynasty Pahlavi dynasty start to rule the country , so Reza shah ( pahlavi the father) he added some palaces to this complex and after him Mohammadreza shah (Pahlavi the son ) extended a larger area and new Gardens and became the summer residence of the king Pahlavi dynasty ( 1925-1979 ) . Pahlavi family they added many palaces to this complex , and nowadays this cultural and historical complex has eighteen palaces , museums , and halls .

Only two of them , white palace and Green palace are open to the public , but the others are been allocated to their various type of exhibition .

White palace was made by Reza shah Pahlavi the father  1931-1936  for his son (Pahlavi the second ) . the 2 floors building and basement with 54 units such as reception salon for king and other purposes were made . it was not only a palace , but also a residence for Mohammad reza shah * the king * and Farah diba * the queen * .

Green palace

The green palace previously belongs to Alikhan but Reza shah bought this and renovated during ( 1923 – 1929) . this two floors palace was private for pahlavi the father , and it was made with rare beated greeny from province of Zanjan . the important point of the palace is beautiul mirror hall which is covered with one piece of 70 square meter famous carpet . the building and basement are covering around 1200 meter and located on the hightest part of area. It was renovated in 1972 through the time of second Pahlavi Mohammad reza shah .

stone`s mortar are made of lead and prevent them from breaking due to shrinkage and expansion . the main door of the green palace opens from the northwest towards Alborz high mountain range . before the revolution the name of palace was SHahvand palace and after revolution it was renamed the green palace 

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