Imam Mosque
12/18/2019 7:52:57 PM
View : 3898

Imam Mosque
Imam Mosque or( masjede jame abbasi ) also called masjede Shah (royal mosque) before the victory os islamic revolution is one of the most beauiful and stunning buildings in the world standing in the south side of Naghshe Jahan square Isfahan it represents the culmination of a thousand years of mosques building and a magnificent architectural stone carving , and tilework in Iran . the mosque is not only an excellent example of islamic architecture but also a masterprice of persian architecture .
Its splendor is mainly due to the beauty of its seven colour Mosaic tiles and caligraphiic inscriptions . there are four iwans and arcads , surunded by 7 color mosaic – tiles .
The part of mosque measures 27 cm high , crowned with two 42 meter tall minarts. The acoustic properties and reflections at the central of point under dome 52 meter tall is an amusing intrest for many visitors . it means if you make the slightest noise under this dome you can here it from any where in the mosque. Abbas the great did lotfollah mosque for private meditation , and he built gigant mosque with two seminaries ( persian : Madreseh ) . in the both sides of the main dome in few years from 1612 until his death in 1629 the year of the great coplas completion the south Iran the great prayer hall surmounted by a double copula 38 meter high on the inside and 52 meter on the outside ( leaving 12 meter empty ) space which serves as an extraordinary Echo chamber since a speakers can be distinctly heard in all other parts of the mosque . the marble bowls like fonts each made of solide stone block , can be seen in the mosque and portal gate .
These are unique in terms of delicacy and cape with which they were made . the used to be filled an various with water , SHarbat to quench the thirst of worshiping throngs in summer.
In the schod builing in the southwest of the couryard there is a piece of stonewhich acts as a sundial to SHeikh bahaei the famous scientist and mathematician of the period os Shah Abbas so it indicates noon the Isfahan throughout the year . the name of this mosque ( Masjide shah ) after revolution changed to Masjide Imam .
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